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The last glaciation in Caithness, Scotland: revised till stratigraphy and ice-flow paths indicate multiple ice flow phases




This paper reviews existing information on the last glaciation of Caithness and presents new evidence for additional till units and for long distance ice-flow paths based on till palynomorphs, indicator erratics and striae. Early, radial expansion of Northern Highland ice probably occurred at 31 – 29 ka. After ice withdrawal from the north coast, Moray Firth ice returned before a second withdrawal. Thereafter Moray Firth ice advanced to limits close to the Atlantic shelf edge between 21 and 18 ka. Deglaciation of hill summits was completed by 18.4 – 17.8 ka but the low ground south of Wick only became ice free after 16.5 ka.\ud\udRecognition of these multiple ice-flow events is consistent with the dynamic behaviour of the last ice sheet exhibited in mathematical simulations. The event sequence differs, however, from nineteenth century and recent two-stage flow set reconstructions as each main flow set is shown to represent multiple events following similar paths but under different ice sheet configurations. Various configurations allow ice to flow northwards across Caithness and so remove any requirement for the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet to directly block and divert the outflow of ice from the Moray Firth during the last glaciation.\ud\udDuring the Late Pleistocene, the British and Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) discharged ice via the Moray Firth from a source area that covered c. 1700 km2 in the Northern and Grampian Highlands of Scotland (Geikie 1877) (Fig. 1). Part of the flow of Moray Firth ice moved across Caithness (Peach & Horne 1880) to deposit ‘shelly boulder clay’, a mud-rich till unit including erratics of Pleistocene marine shells and Mesozoic rocks derived from glacial erosion of the bed of the inner Moray Firth (Croll 1870). Ice flow towards the north over Caithness (Fig. 2a) has long been viewed as a result of deflection of the outflow of the Moray Firth glacier by the presence of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (FIS) in the North Sea (Croll 1870).
机译:本文回顾了有关凯斯内斯最后一次冰川消融的现有信息,并提出了新的证据,以证明直至耕层单位以及基于耕层形态,指示性不稳定和条纹的长距离冰流路径。北部高地冰的早期径向扩张可能发生在31-29 ka。从北海岸撤冰后,Moray Firth的冰又回来了,然后再次撤冰。此后,海鳗峡湾的冰层上升到接近21至18 ka大西洋大西洋边缘的界限。山顶的冰川消融在18.4 -17.8ka之间完成,但威克以南的低地在16.5ka之后才变得无冰。\ ud \ ud对这些多次冰流事件的认识与最后一次冰盖的动力行为是一致的。数学模拟。但是,事件顺序与19世纪和最近的两阶段流集重构不同,因为显示的每个主流集都代表遵循相似路径但在不同冰盖配置下的多个事件。各种配置使冰能够向北流过凯斯内斯,因此消除了对芬诺斯堪的亚冰盖的任何要求,以在最后一次冰期期间直接阻止和转移来自海鳗湾的冰流。\ ud \ ud在晚更新世期间,英国和爱尔兰的冰薄板(BIIS)通过海鳗湾从覆盖c的源区排出冰。苏格兰北部和格兰屏高地的面积为1700平方千米(盖基1877)(图1)。 Moray Firth冰流的一部分流经凯斯内斯(Peach&Horne 1880),沉积了“有壳的巨石粘土”,这是一个富含泥土的耕作单元,包括更新世的海生贝壳和中生代岩石的不稳定,这些岩石是由内部河床的冰川侵蚀而来的海鳗峡湾(Croll 1870)。长期以来,人们一直认为,凯斯内斯北部的冰流(图2a)是由于北海存在芬诺斯堪的亚冰盖(FIS)而使海鳗峡湾冰川流出偏转的结果(Croll 1870)。



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